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JCSMR Director Professor Simon Foote meets with President of Renji hospital in Shanghai

May 2017

JCSMR Director Professor Simon Foote meets with President of Renji hospital in Shanghai

Simon impressed the senior staff at Renji with a professional interpreter (Canadian). Simon thanked the president for the current support including laboratory space, appointment of staff, purchasing of large equipment. He then articulated the contribution from ANU in the commitment of key staff and access to key tools and infrastructure including the National Computation Infrastructure and JCSMR. Gaetan Burgio from JCSMR is establishing the CRISPR mouse facility at Renji. Outcomes included the hiring of Yuke He and the signing of the Annoroad sequencing contract.

  Read more about JCSMR Director Professor Simon Foote meets with President of Renji hospital in Shanghai

Carola Vinuesa at Renji hospital for 3 months to establish the joint laboratory

Carola Vinuesa at Renji hospital for 3 months to establish the joint laboratory

Carola spent three months in China with her family to establish the CACPI.  This time was critical to forming the relationships with Co-Director Nan Shen and his colleagues including Dr Laofang Cao and her team. This visit was a very successful period for the centre with recruitment of new staff and a PhD student. Read more about Carola Vinuesa at Renji hospital for 3 months to establish the joint laboratory

Carola Vinuesa from ANU wins two top NHMRC awards

ANU Professor Carola Vinuesa, Co-Director of the Centre for Personalised Immunology, has been honoured as one of Australia's leading medical researchers with two prestigious awards from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

She was named as the NHMRC's top female researcher in biomedical science in 2016, winning a prized Elizabeth Blackburn Fellowship for a second time. Professor Vinuesa was part of a team that also included Dr Anselm Enders and Dr Simon Jiang named the NHRMC's top Project Grant application.

ANU Vice-Chancellor Professor Brian Schmidt AC congratulated Professor Vinuesa on her latest award and her enormous contribution to medical research.

"In 2011, Carola was awarded an Elizabeth Blackburn Fellowship, named in honour of Elizabeth Blackburn who won the 2009 Nobel Prize for Medicine. To be awarded a second Blackburn fellowship is an extraordinary achievement and testament to Carola's remarkable work at JCSMR.” Professor Schmidt said. Read more about Carola Vinuesa from ANU wins two top NHMRC awards

Discovery of brain-like activity in immune system promises better disease treatments

Lead researcher Ilenia Papa confirmed for the first time that human immune cells contain particles that have neurotransmitters including dopamine, which plays a crucial role in immune responses.

The research, published in Nature, involved a collaboration with members of a Human Frontier Science Program consortium from the United Kingdom, the United States and Germany, and with other researchers in Italy.

Co-researcher Professor Vinuesa said the new findings opened the door to using available drugs to improve therapies for lymphoma, autoimmunity and immunodeficiency disorders.

To view the full story please click here Read more about Discovery of brain-like activity in immune system promises better disease treatments

Research at the Centre for Personalised Immunology named the NHRMC's Top Project Grant application

Professor Vinuesa, from The John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR), was part of a team that also included Dr Anselm Enders and Dr Simon Jiang named the NHRMC's top Project Grant application.

Professor Vinuesa is the Co-Director of the Centre for Personalised Immunology, where she has helped pioneer research into personalised medicine, using genetic sequences to tailor treatments for patients with systemic lupus and related autoimmune diseases. Read more about Research at the Centre for Personalised Immunology named the NHRMC's Top Project Grant application

China-Australia Centre for Personalised Immunology launch

On 25 May 2016, a delegation from China, including the President of Renji Hospital, Professor Li Weiping, visited The John Curtin School of Medical Research (ANU, Canberra, Australia) to unveil a plaque commemorating the official launch of the China-Australia Centre for Personalised Immunology combined with a tour of the facilities. This is a strategic alliance between the CPI and Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine that has been established, offering many opportunities for collaboration between the two centres. The Renji hospital is refitting a large laboratory over two floors for use by CPI staff and dedicated Chinese staff, as well as providing significant funding support over six years for staff, students and consumables for use in the China laboratory. Congratulations to CPI Director Professor Carola Vinuesa, who has been awarded a prestigious International Expert Fellowship by The Ministry of Science and Technology of the People´s Republic of China. Read more about China-Australia Centre for Personalised Immunology launch

Mini-symposium for World Lupus Day

On Tuesday 10 May 2016, the China-Australia Centre for Personalised Immunology will be holding a mini-symposium at the Renji Hospital affiliated with the Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (Shanghai, China) to celebrate World Lupus Day.

Professor Carola Vinuesa from the John Curtin School for Medical Research (JCSMR, Australian National University) is Co-director of the joint centre that was established in 2015 and will provide a keynote lecture "Towards molecular stratification of human autoimmune diseases." This will be followed by talks from Professor Matthew Cook and Professor David Fulcher from the JCSMR.

Pictured below: Professors Carola Vinuesa, Matthew Cook and David Fulcher

  Read more about Mini-symposium for World Lupus Day
